Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cape Cod

Hard to believe it’s been since February that I’ve posted anything! Like so many things, this blog is something that was shoved in the back of the closet until I “felt better” or had that irrepressible feeling I often get to share something beautiful or extraordinary that I made, ate, or just experienced.
Instead of putting the pressure on myself to manifest something extraordinary, I’ll submit to the old adage of “you need to start somewhere”. What better place than beautiful Cape Cod- five hours away, yet so exotic compared to the Hudson Valley.  

After such a long, dragged out Winter, this Spring was madness. We had to play such a game of catch-up with field work. Everything that stayed dormant and closed for so long was suddenly bursting open in a matter of a few hours (literally- asparagus can grow 7” in one day). Our workers hadn’t yet arrived from Jamaica, so it was my family of four- all hands on deck..Or in the soil. If I wasn’t out of bed at 6:30 am, I was overcome with guilt and a feeling of being behind. Meals were rushed and eaten standing up, the list of things to do was unremitting, my body ached. My mind was of course going rapid fire with ideas and thoughts but by the time we called it quits at the end of the day, I was too exhausted to read, write, or socialize. Of course there is SUCH beauty in the Spring that I’m so lucky to be surrounded by from sun up to sun down, so excuse that short rant. Every time I managed to slow down a bit, I laid down in awe. The road-side roses, working with the bees- that smell of smoke and honey, the lacey elderflowers in the woods, the wild ramps and fiddleheads, picking strawberries called “jewel”, working absolutely alone in the orchard at 6 am. 

 I felt these great pulls between mindlessness and mindfulness. A little weekend away to cure the frenzied disconnect I was battling helped me so much to put things in perspective.  I was forced to slow down and listen to my body again- what makes me feel good, complete. What slows me down, extinguishes the spark.

Truro, Cape Cod felt like another world, another life- filled with swimming in the sea- floating on my back, riding the waves, sand dunes, dune shacks, salt-spray roses, high-bush blueberries, cranberries, cool mornings and nights, and unbelievably perfect afternoons. On this vacation, each day felt like a Sunday- the kind I dream of having every week to literally enjoy the “fruits of my labor”.  I managed to write a bit before even getting out of bed, mornings were filled with poppy and cheese Danishes , flaky croissants slathered with beach plum jam, and too many cups of coffee. We packed sandwiches for lunch on the beach where we could read, nap, and wonder aloud. We shopped for seafood and vegetables at roadside markets for dinner. Music and delicious smells floated through the house before dinner while we sipped Prosecco and all prepared dinner together- the conversation and dynamism stirring.

My long-time friend Mona took me along with her for the weekend to stay in her girlfriend’s house in Truro- right outside of Provincetown. Mona is somebody who seems to know (almost) everyone and everything. Her talents touch every spectrum of my interests and man, was that inspiring to be around. I spent the weekend with such beautiful and unique characters all linked by a positive disposition and genuine benevolence. As I met this network of girlfriends and boyfriends, I felt as though I were on The Real Housewives of Cape Cod- and I mean that in the most adoring and charmed way. Kristina, whose house I stayed in, a food caterer who restores art- One of the most generous and welcoming women I’ve ever met. This house was so old and beautiful- the kitchen floor my favorite part with hemp rope between the floor boards and misc. art pieces from every time period decorating the walls. I met Rosa the chef, Angela a gorgeous writer who has a real Juliane Moore thing going on and the sweetest Belgian Shepard named Leedah, Dominique a stunning now 60 year old French model/actress, Michelle and Eduardo- real Provincetown boys who now live in Montreal, Janet who rescues dogs in Mexico and brings them back to the Cape, Bronwyn who has overcome so much but has the most infectious light- GORGEOUS, Ruth an ex-actress who has now slung pizza dough for 30+ years…and more. 



 Thank you Cape Cod friends for being so incredibly lovely.

(On a side note):
 While making jam, cleaning, or whatever, I have been listening to podcasts on Unmistakable Creative and STRONGLY urge you to play some when you can be alone and in the zone. 

Telling Your Life as a Love Story and an instigator interview Reinvent Yourself with MEG WORDEN whom I’ve listened to maybe 10 times now.

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